Be An Incredible Parent!
• Motivation!
• Communication & Conversation!
• 5 Rules that work!
Why discipline is not punishment!
• What to do when a child states,
"No I won't do it."!
• How many toys are enough!
• TV and video games!
• Building confidence!
• What girls need from their fathers!
• Discover "why" you're a successful
• Why modeling is so critical!
• Big guys need hugs and kisses too!
• Why kids lie, and how to teach them to tell the truth!!
• Why excuses destroy confidence!
• Two most important feelings that
teenagers want!
• Pull the plug on peer pressure!
• Discipline and still keep
that zest for living!
• What to do when a child gets sassy!
• Kiss stress good-bye!
• Developing trust with teenager who
know everything!
•3 Ways children can show respect!
•Teach your children to listen,
the first time!
•Teach obedience, here's how;
they love it!
•Difference between a reason
and an excuse!
•How to support your child's feelings!
•What to say when you make a mistake!





Dennis /Michaela McLoughlin, Father's Day

Dennis M. McLoughlin: thinking consultant, educator, gifted discipline problem, Shakespearean actor, U.S. Marine Corps, married/ father. His message is based on years of experience. He promises to give you much to remember: rich in laughter, joy, and the assurance that being an incredible parent is the greatest gift we can give our children.

skills, skills, skills

You'll probably be saying, "This is incredible!"

•evening 1-3 hour workshops
•1 day workshops

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